3rd Meeting of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Mycology
Qawra, Malta, 2018-10-10/12
The Panel on Diagnostics in Mycology met on 2018-10-10/12 in Qawra, Malta at the kind invitation of the NPPO of Malta. The meeting was organized back to back with European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Citrus Black Spot (CBS) Surveillance Workshop. Nineteen Panel members and 4 observers attended the main meeting.
New diagnostic protocols
Heterobasidion irregulare
The Panel was very grateful that one of the authors of the draft diagnostic protocol (developed in the framework of an EU funded project (EMPHASIS) could attend the meeting. The Panel went through the new Standard and most questions could be addressed by the author during the meeting. It was agreed that the final version should be sent for country consultation, along with the PM 9 National regulatory control system Standard on the same pest, after the meeting (both Standards were circulated in October and comments will be reviewed in early 2019).
Revised diagnostic protocols
Work is in progress on the revision of the following protocols:
Phyllosticta citricarpa (formerly Guignardia citricarpa)
The Panel was held following the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Citrus Black Spot (CBS) Surveillance Workshop and the Panel benefitted from the presence of 5 experts who attended the workshop were able to stay on for the first session of the Panel and give presentations on their work. A new version of the protocol will be prepared for a small drafting team (to include experts from Spain, Portugal and Malta). A potential Euphresco project on detection of this pest will be considered.
Monilinia fructicola
The version presented to the Panel followed country consultation and the Panel went through all the comments received. It was agreed that the final version with the modifications agreed during the meeting can be sent for the formal objection stage.
Melampsora medusae
The version presented to the Panel followed country consultation and the Panel went through all the comments received. It was agreed that the final version, with the modifications agreed during the meeting, can be sent for the formal objection stage.
Verticillium nonalfalfae & V. dahliae on hop
The version presented to the Panel followed country consultation and the Panel went through all the comments received. It was agreed that the final version, with the modifications agreed during the meeting, can be sent for the formal objection stage.
Fusarium circinatum (formerly Gibberella circinata)
It was agreed that a small expert working group (EWG) will be held in December 2018 to work on the revision of this protocol, taking into account the newly described species by Herron et al. (2015) and the features described by Mullet et al. (2017) as well as the results of the COST Pinestrength project (new tests).
Gremmeniella abietina
The EPPO Secretariat will contact the relevant experts concerning the revision of the taxonomy.
Puccinia horiana
The lead author of the protocol will validate the new molecular tests by February 2019 and prepare a new version by the end of March. Panel members offered to review the new version. The objective will be to have the revised protocol sent for country consultation by summer 2019.
New protocols planned
Phoma andigena - information will be collected before the next meeting.
Didymella ligulicola - information will be collected before the next meeting.
Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae - a draft protocol on this pest will be prepared in 2019.
Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi - a draft protocol on this pest will be prepared in 2019.
Atropellis sp. – American experts on this pest will be contacted.