EPPO Codes users meeting
3rd webinar, Paris, 2018-03-05
A webinar was organized on the 5th of March 2018 for the EPPO Codes users. This online meeting was opened to all users, and 57 participants joined the meeting by teleconference. The objectives of this meeting were to explain how the codes are maintained and developped by the EPPO Secretariat, collect feed-back about possible future improvements of the coding system, and share experience among users.
Several points were presented and discussed during the meeting, such as the creation of large number of codes, the deactivation of codes, the use of simple online tools to make batch queries to the database, the use of log-shipping for downloads, and the development of non-taxonomic codes. Participants who joined remotely had the possibility to ask questions which were answered during the webinar. Finally, the EPPO Secretariat was pleased to announce that a free monthly newsletter summarizing the main changes that are made to the EPPO Codes was ready to be launched. Any interested person can obtain this newsletter by registering via the EPPO global Database (see below).
The EPPO Secretariat warmly thanks all attendees for their active participation during the webinar, and in particular all EPPO Codes users who have kindly agreed to make presentations and share their experience with the audience.
Introduction to EPPO | Martin Ward (Director General of EPPO) |
EPPO Codes: an overview |
Anne-Sophie Roy (EPPO)
EPPO online tools and log-shipping (live demo) |
Damien Griessinger (EPPO)
EPPO Codes to describe uses of plant protection products |
Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
The use of EPPO Codes by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency |
Lene Larsen Nielsen (DK)
EPPO Codes in SANTE Systems |
Mark Williams (European Commission)
Creation of EPPO Codes in relation to import data |
Fabienne Grousset (EPPO)
MUCF and the use of EPPO Codes and common names in EUMUDA | Flora Limache (MUCF) |
2BXYZ1OooO1FffF Genus species GggSs.jpg*, a proposal for a name-giving for nature-pictures with EPPO codes |
Jean-François et Marie-Christine Misonne (BE)
How to register to the EPPO Codes monthly newsletter
- If not already done, create your own free account in the EPPO Global Database (home page, see top right button 'Register')
- Login and go to your dashboard
- Under 'Neswletters': tick the box 'EPPO Codes'