Workshop on Comparative Assessment of Plant Protection Products
Lisbon, 2018-10-24/25
The EPPO Workshop on Comparative Assessment of Plant Protection Products was held in Lisbon from the 24th to 25th of October 2018. It was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of Portugal, General Directorate for Food and Animal Health (DGAV). Thanks are due to Ms Carvalho, Ms Godinho De Oliveira and their colleagues for kindly hosting this Workshop and for organizing the very interesting and informative technical visit to the state farm Companhia das Lezirias where participants were given a guided tour. The Smart Farm project, an industry initiative for promotion of best practices for safe and effective use of plant protection products (PPP), was presented during the visit.
The Workshop was organized upon request from EPPO Member Countries concerned with the comparative assessment of PPP which contain an active substance that has been identified as a candidate for substitution according to Regulation EC 1107/2009 on the placing of PPP on the market.
This Workshop was a follow up of a first EPPO Workshop on the same topic held in 2009 (view 2009 Workshop conclusions ) which recommended that an EPPO Standard was developed. EPPO Standard PP 1/271 Guidance on comparative assessment was approved in 2011 (and revised in 2015).
The Workshop provided an excellent opportunity to share national experiences on Comparative Assessment reflecting on the different approaches that have been developed at national level. There were also useful discussions and feedback relating to the implementation and use of EPPO Standard PP 1/271. A total of 72 participants, from 19 EPPO countries, including 25 participants from national Regulatory Authorities dealing with authorization of PPP, 44 delegates from crop protection companies and consultancy firms were present at the meeting.
Workshop organization
The Workshop included a lecture session. Ms Carvalho (Deputy General Director of DGAV) welcomed participants and made the opening address. Mr Ward (EPPO Director-General) gave a presentation on the EPPO remit and activities. The Workshop continued with the following introductory lectures:
- EPPO Standard PP 1/271 Guidance on Comparative Assessment: history of the concept – Ms Jilesen (NVWA, the Netherlands)
- Comparative Assessment: Industry Experience to date – Ms Hall (ECPA)
- Country responses to the EPPO questionnaire – Ms Mattock (CRD-UK on behalf of EPPO)
A number of country representatives gave a presentation on their experiences with Comparative Assessment of PPP to provide an overview on national procedures and on the use of EPPO Standard PP 1/271:
- Ms Perrault and Mr Jean (ANSES) – France
- Mr Kudsk (Aarhus University) – Denmark
- Mr Kral (BVL) – Germany
- Ms Elberse (NVWA) – The Netherlands
- Ms Cavaco (DGAV) – Portugal
- Ms Gutiérrez (INIA) – Spain
- Ms Knauert (BLW) – Switzerland
- Ms O'Leary Quinn (CRD) – United Kingdom
The participants were divided into the following three Working Groups. Each group took part, in turn, in all three parallel sessions:
- Experiences with using EPPO Standard PP 1/271 chaired by Ms Mattock and co-chaired by Ms Jilesen
- Conducting efficacy comparisons with available alternatives (PPP and non-chemical products) chaired by Mr Ward and co-chaired by Ms Cavaco
- Loss of availability of active substances (including the impact on minor uses and resistance management) chaired by Mr Kudsk and co-chaired by Ms Hall
In the final plenary session, the rapporteurs of each group presented the conclusions of their respective groups. General conclusions and recommendations were also elaborated during the final plenary session and are available following the link below.
Organizing Committee
Elena Gutierrez (INIA, ES)
Beth Hall (ECPA, Syngenta UK)
Claudia Jilesen (NVWA, NL)
Stefanie Knauer (BLW, CH)
Per Kudsk (Aarhus University, DK)
Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Sue Mattock (CRD, UK)
Barbara Oliveira (DGAV, PT)
Martin Ward (EPPO)