48th Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products
The Hague, NL, 2018-05-23/25
The 48th Meeting of the Working Party on Plant Protection Products took place in The Hague, NL, on 2018-05-23/25. Many thanks are due to Ms Jilesen of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority for organizing the meeting and the warm hospitability. There were 21 participants from 17 EPPO countries and as observers a member of ECPA and the coordinator of the European Union Minor Uses Coordination Facility. This EPPO Working Party directs and supervises the technical work of the EPPO Panels concerned with the efficacy evaluation and registration of plant protection products. The major points from the meeting are summarized below.
EPPO Standards for approval
The Working Party on Plant Protection Products approved six new EPPO Specific Standards in series PP1 Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products and one revised. The Working Party also approved two new and one revised EPPO General Standards in the series PP1. These Standards will be submitted to the Council of EPPO in September 2018 for final approval and subsequent publication:
New Specific Standards
- Stenocarus fuliginosus (poppy root weevil) – NEW
- Neoglocianus maculaalba and Dasineura papaveris – NEW
- Whiteflies on citrus – NEW
- Aleyrodes proletella on brassica crops – NEW
- Green leafhoppers on peach – NEW
- Halyomorpha halys – NEW
Revised Specific Standard
- Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, P. syringae, and P. viridiflava on kiwifruit (revision of PP 1/282)
New General Standards
- General principles for the development and registration of co-formulated mixtures of plant protection products – NEW (this Standard will replace PP1/277 Insecticide co-formulated mixtures which will be withdrawn)
- Efficacy considerations and data generation when making changes to the chemical composition of plant protection products - NEW
Revised General Standard
- Number of efficacy trials (minor revision of PP 1/226 to take into account of the new General Standard on changes to chemical composition)
Minor uses
Mr Meeussen, coordinator of the European Union Minor Uses Coordination Facility (MUCF), updated participants on the recent activities of the Facility which is hosted by the EPPO Secretariat. More information on the MUCF can be found at www.minoruses.eu and in the presentation made by Mr Meeussen
EPPO Codes
The Working Party was informed that progress was made on the development of the harmonized classification to describe PPP uses and that new non-taxonomic EPPO Codes are now integrated in the EPPO Global Database using Codes beginning with 3. The Working Party agreed on a number of new Codes, namely for forestry crops, ornamentals and grassland under ‘Crop groups’, weeds and PGR targets under ‘Targets’ and for ‘Crop location’ and ‘Treated objects’. It was noted that the EPPO classification for non-taxonomic Codes to describe PPP uses will be useful for the EU countries entering data in the Plant Protection Products Application Management System (PPPAMS) developed by the European Commission.
Dose expression of plant protection products in high growing crops
A Glossary of terms and Guidance on how to measure crop parameters for high growing crops were agreed by the Working Party. These two documents are the output of an ad hoc EWG established after the Workshop on harmonized dose expression for the zonal evaluation of PPP in high growing crops (Vienna, 2016-10-18/20). The two documents will be published soon on the EPPO website. The Working Party also agreed that a revision of EPPO Standard PP 1/239 Dose expression for plant protection products will be prepared by the Panel on General Standards to reflect the content of the two new documents.
Programme of activity
The Working Party also discussed future activities and priorities which will be submitted to the EPPO Council in September 2018 for consideration. In addition to proposals for new Standards or revision of existing ones, future activities include the continuation of the development of the EPPO Codes to describe uses of plant protection products. The Working Party also agreed on the continuation of the activities to establish an EPPO database on resistance cases. Options for the implementation of a database on extrapolation possibilities for minor uses were explored.
The next Working Party on Plant Protection Products is due to convene in in Portugal or Algeria on 2019-05-28/30.