EPPO Codes users meeting
4th webinar, Paris – Milano, 2019-02-20
A webinar was organized on the 20th of February 2019 for the EPPO Codes users. This online meeting was open to all users, and 71 participants joined the meeting by teleconference. The objectives of this meeting were to explain how the Codes are maintained and developed by the EPPO Secretariat, to collect feed-back about possible future improvements of the coding system, and to share experience among users.
Several points were presented and discussed during the meeting, such as how non-taxonomic Codes to describe uses of plant protection products were developed and used, how to improve the online ordering and payment system for the creation of new taxonomic Codes, how to use and further develop online tools (batch queries). Participants who joined remotely had the possibility to ask questions which were answered during the webinar. Finally, the EPPO Secretariat reminded all users that a free monthly newsletter summarizing the main changes that are made to the EPPO Codes is now available. Any interested person can obtain this newsletter by registering via the EPPO Global Database.
The EPPO Secretariat warmly thanks all attendees for their active participation during the webinar, and in particular Ms Hanzlik and Mr Guidotti who kindly agreed to make presentations and share their experience as EPPO Code users with the audience.
The EPPO harmonized classification of the uses of PPPs that is still under
development can now be visualized in the EPPO Global Database
Opening and introduction to EPPO activities | Nico Horn, EPPO Director-General |
EPPO Codes: an overview | Anne‐Sophie Roy, EPPO |
EPPO Global Database online tools (live demo) | Damien Griessinger, EPPO |
EPPO Codes to describe uses of plant protection products | Valerio Lucchesi, EPPO |
EPPO Codes: new developments in the framework of the EU grant agreement | Anne‐Sophie Roy, EPPO |
Usage of EPPO Codes in plant protection industry | Kristin Hanzlik, BASF for European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) |
Harmonization of crop and pest data by using the EPPO Global database | Diego Guidotti, Regional Phytosanitary Service of Tuscany Region (Italy) |
Presentations are also available as a video on YouTube
How to register to the EPPO Codes monthly newsletter
- If not already done, create your own free account in the EPPO Global Database (home page, see top right button 'Register')
- Login and go to your dashboard
- Under 'Newsletters': tick the box 'EPPO Codes'