1st and 2nd Meetings of the Expert Working Group for the Extrapolation Database
Teleconferences, 2021-05-11 and 2021-10-19/20
The EPPO extrapolation tables, to be used in conjunction with EPPO Standard PP 1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses , provide detailed lists of acceptable extrapolations. These extrapolations are organized by crop groups or pest groups and have been developed for regulatory authorities and applicants in the context of the registration of plant protection products for minor uses. These tables are available on the EPPO website
The Expert Working Group (EWG) for the extrapolation database met by teleconference, on 2021-05-11 and 2021-10-19/20 to discuss how to develop a searchable database based on these tables. This database will make the information published in the tables more accessible for the users. The aim of this work incudes reviewing and improving the content of the table.
During the first meeting in May, the EWG reviewed its tasks and the status of the work on extrapolation tables. The coordinator of the Minor Uses Coordination Facility (MUCF) presented the work of the Facility. The participants explored options for cooperation between MUCF and EWG for this future EPPO database.
During the second meeting in October, the first prototype of the database developed by the EPPO Secretariat was studied by the EWG. This prototype was already filled with information entered as a test before the meeting, The EWG formulated recommendations on how the database should be developed. The work carried out by the EWG on PPP data harmonization , on crop groups in particular, has been taken into consideration to improve consistency among the tables. Priorities and future steps for the development of the database were identified by the EWG.
The outcome of these first two meetings will be presented to the EPPO Panel on General Standards for Efficacy Evaluation which oversees the activities of the EWG. The EWG for the extrapolation database will next meet on 2022-05-19/20.