11th Meeting of the Expert Working Group on Harmonization of data for plant protection products
Teleconference, 2021-02-09/10

The Expert Working Group (former Panel) on Harmonization of Data for Plant Protection Products (PPP) met by teleconference on 2021-02-09/10 to finalize the classification of EPPO Codes to describe the uses of PPP. The main reason to develop (non-taxonomic) EPPO Codes for PPP uses is the need for harmonized definitions of declared uses, to facilitate communication in and among countries. This is of particular relevance to registration authorities for data exchange, e.g. within the EU, in the framework of the mutual recognition and zonal assessment.
The implementation of the EPPO Codes agreed so far was presented to participants. These Codes are available in the EPPO Global Database and, presented in a different way, at ‘The EPPO PPP classification’
The EWG discussed the use of the historical ‘non-taxonomic’ Codes listed at https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/3UNCLK . They do not belong to the EPPO PPP Classification but sometime overlap with it. The EWG clearly recommended to EPPO Code users, implementing the new classification in their IT systems, that these historical Codes should not be used anymore.
DG SANTE officials gave an update of the development of PPPAMS – Plant Protection Products Application Management System . This system uses EPPO Codes and it is automatically connected to EPPO GD and the EPPO Codes are updated daily.
Development of a harmonized classification to describe plant protection products uses
The Panel continued to discuss the classification of non-taxonomic Codes in the context of PPP efficacy evaluation and based on potential usefulness for registration purposes. The Panel refined the existing classification of Codes and finalized the classification for ‘Treatments’. The new Codes proposed this year by the Panel will be presented to the Working Party on PPP for approval and integration into the EPPO Global Database.
Revision of EPPO Standard PP 1/248
The Panel continued the revision of EPPO Standard PP 1/248 Harmonized classification and coding of the uses of PPP to reflect the newly developed classification which is close to finalization. The draft revision will be sent for country consultation in 2021 and will then be presented to the Working Party and the EPPO Council for approval.
The EWG will continue to meet to update the classification of EPPO Codes for PPP uses, depending on the need, and a date for the next meeting will be decided by the Working Party on PPP.