50th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides
Teleconference, 2021-11-23/25
The Panel continued its main task of developing Standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides.
Revised Standards
The following Standards were revised and considered ready to be sent for country consultation:
- PP 1/228 Aphids in beet, including aphid vectors of viruses
- PP 1/299 Aphids on citrus
- PP 1/258 Aphids on stone and pome fruit
- PP 1/56 Phytophthora spp. causing fruit rot on citrus
New Standards
The following new Standards were discussed and considered ready to be sent for country consultation:
- Ceratitis capitata and other tropical fruit flies on tropical fruit trees – foliar application
- Ceratitis capitata and other tropical fruit flies on tropical fruit trees – bait application
- Anthracnose in tropical fruits
- Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis on walnut
In addition, the new Standard ‘Grape Mealybugs’ and a revision of the Standard ‘PP 1/254 Eriosoma lanigerum in apple’ were discussed. After further work by experts after the Panel meeting, the Standards will be circulated to the Panel to decide whether they are ready for country consultation.
The Panel discussed general issues in relation to EPPO Specific Standards on efficacy evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides, such as requirements for yield recording in efficacy trials and impact of plant protection products on transformation processes.
The Panel was updated concerning the launch of the EPPO Resistance database and the status of the EPPO Database for extrapolation possibilities for minor uses. The activities of Minor Uses Coordination Facility were presented to the Panel.
The Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides will next meet on 2022-11-22/24.