20th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides
and Plant Growth Regulators
Teleconference, 2021-02-24
The 20th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators took place by teleconference on
The Panel discussed the revision of Standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides and plant growth regulators.
The Panel revised PP 1/185 Regulation of growth in olive (except sucker control). Mr R. Fernández-Escobar from the University of Córdoba presented suggestions for improvement of this Standard ahead of the meeting. The Panel studied those comments and agreed to send the revised Standard for country consultation.
The Work programme of the Panel was discussed. The Panel considered development of two new Standards: the first one focused on efficacy assessment of herbicides if long-term control of perennial weeds is claimed and the second was on efficacy assessment of combinations of herbicides and mechanical control measures.
The next meeting of the Panel will be held next year by teleconference over one or more days depending on the number of subjects to be discussed.