22nd Meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation
Teleconference, 2022-03-09/11
The 22nd meeting of the EPPO Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation took place by teleconference on 2021-03-09/11. The Panel continued its work on the preparation of General Standards on efficacy evaluation. The meeting focused on development of new General Standards and discussion on the yield requirements in EPPO Standards.
New General Standards
The Panel worked to develop new PP1 General Standards on the following topics:
- Principles of extrapolation in major uses. The Standard will describe the general principles to be considered in making extrapolations for major uses, as well as how to reduce the need for trial data, while maintaining appropriate robust data sets.
- Resistance monitoring. The Panel agreed to first work on a general Standard describing how to perform monitoring of the sensitivity of pests to plant protection products. Once this Standard has been finalised, more specific Standards describing monitoring of pest sensitivity in particular crops may be developed.
The Panel agreed to work further on these Standards and discuss new versions during its meeting next year.
Yield Requirements
The Panel discussed yield requirements in EPPO Standards based on the previous work of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides. Development of a General Standard focused on yield requirements in efficacy evaluation of plant protection products may be considered in the future.
Expert Working Groups
The Panel was updated concerning the activities of the three EWGs working under its guidance: the EWG on plant protection product Resistance, the EWG on Harmonization of data for plant protection products and the EWG to develop an Extrapolation database.
The Panel appreciated the effort of these EWGs, noting in particular the launch of the EPPO Resistance database .
Other issues
The Panel acknowledged improvements of the tool for conversion of different dose expressions. The tool is intended to support users of the Standard PP 1/239 Dose expression for plant protection products . The Panel recommended making the tool available on the EPPO website
Possible EPPO work on integrated pest management (IPM) was discussed. A group of Panel experts agreed to continue work on the topic of plant protection products with low and variable efficacy. The discussion will continue next year.
The next meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation is tentatively scheduled for 2023-03-07/09.