66th and 67th Meetings of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures
EPPO Headquarters, 2022-03-14/16
Videoconference, 2022-05-13 (extra meeting)
The Panel met in Paris in the EPPO headquarters on 2022-04-14/16 (regular meeting) and on 2021-05-17 by videoconference (extra meeting). The main task of this Panel is to evaluate risks presented by specific pests and design phytosanitary measures to avoid their introduction and spread.
Group photo of the Panel on Phytosanitary Measures (regular meeting, 2022-04-14/16)
EPPO Lists of pests recommended for regulation
The Panel reviewed in detail EPPO PRAs prepared by Expert Working Groups (EWGs) and PRA reports based on national PRAs, to consider if these pests should be recommended for regulation:
- Chionaspis pinifoliae (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) - draft EPPO PRA: The Panel recommended to the Working Party the addition of this pest to the EPPO A1 List.
- Dendroctonus valens (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) - PRA report based on a DEFRA PRA : The Panel recommended to the Working Party the addition of this pest to the EPPO A1 List.
- Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV, Tobamovirus) - draft EPPO PRA: The Panel did not recommend addition to the EPPO Lists of pests recommended for regulation for the time being. However, it stressed the importance of gathering more information on this virus, considered that guidance for testing would be valuable and recommended that additional surveillance is performed.
Following recent progress in taxonomy, Choristoneura freemani (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) will be listed as Choristoneura occidentalis occidentalis and Ophiostoma wageneri as Grosmannia wageneri in the EPPO A1 List; Botryosphaeria laricina will be listed as Neofusicoccum laricinum and Gonipterus scutellatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) as Gonipterus scutellatus species complex in the EPPO A2 List.
Information received on the situation for ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicum‘ in Italy was shared with the Panel: all infected plants had already been removed by farmers and neighbouring plants had tested negative. An official survey will take place in spring-summer 2022. Until more information is provided, the pest is maintained on the EPPO A1 List.
Alert List
The Panel reviewed the EPPO Alert List (the purpose of this List is to warn countries about possible new risks, and in certain cases to propose candidates for PRA and, if relevant, recommend them for regulation). Considering that the alert had been given, the Panel recommended deletion of Fiorinia phantasma (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and Grapevine Roditis leaf discoloration-associated virus (Caulimoviridae: Badnavirus, GRLDaV).
Emerging pests and diseases suggested for addition (e.g. Atherigona reversura, Phytophthora pluvialis, Trichoderma afroharzianum and Xanthomonas citri pv. viticola) were briefly discussed.
Pest Risk Analysis
The selection of priorities for the organization of EWGs for PRA for the year to come was organized via an online survey. As in the face-to-face meetings, the selection was made taking into account the following elements: geographical distribution, importance of the crop(s) concerned, risk of natural spread into the region or for further spread within the region, potential pathways, economic impact, environmental impact, possibilities of control, similarities to other known cases, availability and validity of data. The three highest priorities for PRA identified by the Panel were Phyllachora maydis (tar spot of maize), Pochazia shantungensis (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) and Agrilus mali (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). The next priorities include Ceratocystis ficicola and beech leaf disease. For beech leaf disease disease, the Panel recommended that an addendum to PM 8/9 Fagus is made to include the statement made by the Working Party to Council in 2021. The priorities for an EPPO PRA and the additional topics to be discussed in an EWG this year will be discussed by the Working Party.
A revision of the guidance document on PM 5/5 Decision-support scheme for an express Pest Risk Analysis was presented to the Panel.
The Panel finalized a guidance document on generic measures for Meloidogyne species, to be used by PRA EWGs and Panels.
After a review of the Standards and/or the comments received during country consultation, the Panel agreed that the new version of the draft PM 3/66 Guidelines for the management of plant health risks of biowaste of plant origin as well as the revised PM 4/17 Pathogen-tested olive trees and rootstocks can be presented to the Working Party for a recommendation for approval by Council.
Information projects
The Panel was presented with recent work on EPPO Codes, progress on Global Database (GD, https://gd.eppo.int/), and the project to update datasheets for all EPPO A1/A2 pests. The Panel also discussed the alignment of the pest status in Global Database with the revised version of ISPM 8. The Panel was informed that a Workshop on pest reporting will be organized in 2022/2023.
The next Panel meeting is planned for 2022-10 in Paris in order to organize a joint session with the Panel on Quarantine Pests for Forestry.