74th EPPO Council Session

Baku, 2024-09-24/25




The 74th Session of EPPO Council took place in Baku on the 24th and 25th of September 2024 at the kind invitation of AFSA (Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan). Delegates were welcomed by Ms Zkiyya Mustafayeva (Deputy Chairman of AFSA) and by Mr Sarvan Jafarov Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


This Council Session was preceded by meetings of the Accounts Verification Panel (online) and the Executive Committee, and followed by the Euphresco Governing Board. Mr Kurzweil (Chair) welcomed delegates from 33 EPPO member countries and the European Commission (permanent observer). In addition, 5 more countries were represented by other countries and could participate in the voting process.





Council members were updated on the technical work being carried out by EPPO Panels under the guidance of the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations and the Working Party on Plant Protection Products. They also received reports on a number of current and future activities, such as EPPO-Q-bank database, revision of EPPO datasheets, Regulated Non Quarantine Pests (RNQP II, Euphresco, EUPHRESCO III and DROP), and other projects or bids (e.g. BeXyl, FORSAID, IAS Risk Assessment, Green ERA-Hub), as well as on the European Minor Uses Co-ordination Facility (MUCF).


A number of new and revised EPPO Standards were adopted (see below), and six pests were added to the EPPO A1 and A2 Lists of pests recommended for regulation as quarantine pests.


Council accepted the Annual Report for 2023, as well as the budget, work programme and calendar of meetings for 2025.


The participation of EPPO in global activities (e.g. IPPC regional workshops, Technical Consultation among RPPOs, CPM, IPPC bodies, SPG) was discussed, as well as the nomination of European experts in IPPC bodies.


Two important elections took place during this Council Session. Ms Olga Lavrentjeva has been elected as the new EPPO Director-General, and she will take up her duties on January 1, 2025. The EPPO Council warmly thanked Mr Nico Horn for his hard work during his 6 years of service and wished him a happy retirement at the end of 2024. Mr van Herzele has been elected as the new EPPO Chair and he will also take up his duties on January 1, 2025. The EPPO Council warmly thanked Mr Kurzweil (Chair) for his dedication and significant contribution to the Organization.


Ms Lavrentjeva and Mr Horn

Mr Kurzweil and Mr van Herzele


As a result of other statutory elections, the EPPO Executive Committee (as of January 2025) will be composed of Italy, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. For the Accounts Verification Panel, Germany, Malta and Sweden will serve as members; Croatia and Slovenia will serve as alternates. Finally, Ms Byrne will replace Mr van Herzele in the Staff Committee.


Special thanks were conveyed to two Council delegates, Ms Schorn (former EPPO Chair, NPPO of Germany) and Ms Bouhot-Delduc (NPPO of France), as well as to a staff member of the EPPO Secretariat, Ms Roy (Information Manager), as all of them will retire in 2024.


On behalf of all delegates Mr Kurzweil (Chair) congratulated the Azerbaijan delegation for the excellent organization of this Council Session, the memorable dinner in a caravanserai in the Old City of Baku, and the interesting technical visit. He closed the meeting, thanking all delegates and observers for their participation, as well as the EPPO Secretariat and the interpreters for their support. The next session of EPPO Council will take place in Paris on the 23rd and 24th of September 2025 .


Mr Kurzweil and Mr Horn

Ms Schorn and Ms Bouhot-Delduc

EPPO Secretariat team in Baku with Mr Lavigne
(EPPO‘s chartered accountant – on the left)



Standards approved by EPPO Council in 2024-09


New and revised Standards will be published in due course in the EPPO Bulletin. They will also be accessible from this website and stored in the EPPO Global Database.


EPPO Standards PM 1 - General Phytosanitary Measures

Additions to the A1 List (pests absent from the EPPO region)

- Chloridea virescens (insect)

Additions to the A2 List (pests locally present in the EPPO region)

- Agrilus mali  (insect)

- Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical race 4  (fungi)

- Toumeyella parvicornis  (insect)

- Hakea decurrens subsp. physocarpa  (plant)

- Zizania latifolia  (plant)



EPPO Standards PM 3 - Phytosanitary procedures

  • Inspection of consignments of plants for planting for invasive alien plants   –   NEW

  • Inspection of growing media associated with consignments of plants for planting   –   NEW

  • Official controls of passenger luggage at points of entry   –  NEW



EPPO Standards PM 6 - Safe use of biological control

  • PM 6/2 Import and release of non-indigenous biological control agents (revision)


EPPO Standards PM 7 - Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests

  • PM 7/76 Use of EPPO Diagnostic Standards (revision)

  • PM 7/130 Guidelines on the authorization of laboratories to perform diagnostic activities for regulated pests (revision)


The Council was informed that the following diagnostic protocols have been approved following the fast track procedure since the last Council meeting:

  • PM 7/001 Bretziella fagacearum (revision)

  • PM 7/023 Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae (revision)

  • PM 7/032 Plum pox virus (revision) 

  • PM 7/045  Cryphonectria parasitica (revision)
  • PM 7/090 Anisogramma anomala (revision)
  • PM 7/093 Melampsora medusae (revision)
  • PM 7/110 Xanthomonas species causing bacterial spot of tomato and sweet pepper (revision)
  • PM 7/114 Bactrocera zonata (revision)
  • PM 7/new Aromia bungii   –   NEW
  • PM 7/new Dendrolimus sibiricus   –   NEW


The following two Standards have been WITHDRAWN

  • PM 7/09(1) Cacoecimorpha pronubana
  • PM 7/10(1) Cacyreus marshalli



EPPO Standards PM 9 - National regulatory control systems

  • Solanum carolinense   –  NEW



EPPO Standards PP 1 - Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products

  • Specific Standards

- PP 1/011 Moths of grapevine (revision)

- PP 1/131 Diaspididae scales on pome and stone fruits (revision)

- Evaluation of mating disruption techniques against Lepidopteran pests in vegetable and ornamental crops under protected conditions  –  NEW

- Seed wasps in almonds, pistachios and plums  –  NEW

- Efficacy evaluation of herbicides used with mechanical weeders  –  NEW


  • General Standards

- Adoption of Digital Technology for data generation for the efficacy evaluation of Plant Protection Products  –  NEW

- Principles for recording yield data when evaluating the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides  –  NEW

- Principles of efficacy extrapolations for major uses   –  NEW