24th Meeting of the Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation
Paris, 2024-03-07/08
The 24th meeting of the EPPO Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation took place at the EPPO headquarters on 2024-03-07/08. The Panel continued its work on the preparation of General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation of Plant Protection Products (PPP). The meeting focused on development of seven new General Standards, and revision of two General Standards.
New General Standards
The Panel worked on development of the following new PP1 General Standards:
- Digital Technology for Data Generation for the Efficacy Evaluation of PPP. The Standard describes the validation, verification and calibration of digital technologies used to generate data for the efficacy evaluation of plant protection products.
- Extrapolation in major uses. The Standard describes the general principles to be considered when making extrapolations for major uses, including how to reduce the need for trial data, while maintaining appropriate robust data sets.
- Recording yield data on efficacy evaluation. The Standard describes the principles for recording yield data when evaluating the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides.
The Panel finalised the work on these draft Standards and agreed to send them for country consultation. The Panel discussed and agreed to continue developing the following new General Standards:
- Trial design for showing benefit of a PPP when used within a spraying programme.
- Generating sensitivity data for PPPs resistance monitoring. The Standard will focus on helping the user understand when monitoring data are needed.
- How to evaluate russeting in efficacy evaluation. This Standard will provide guidance on how to evaluate the symptoms of russeting in pome and other fruit crops.
- Efficacy assessment of adjuvants. The objective of this Standard will be to specify and simplify requirements regarding the authorisation of adjuvants with regard to efficacy and crop safety.
Revision of Standards
The Panel continued their work on the revision of two General Standards focused on undesirable side effects of PPP application:
- Revision of PP 1/243 Effects of PPP on transformation processes. The revision is based on recommendations from the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Fungicides and Insecticides.
- Revision of PP 1/242 Taint tests. The Panel agreed to discuss and possibly update the requirements for taint tests. The purpose of taint tests is to clarify if treatment with PPP causes any undesirable quality in the end product.
Expert Working Groups
The Panel was updated concerning the activities of the three EWGs working under its guidance: the EWG on PPP Resistance, the EWG on Harmonization of data for PPP, and the EWG to develop an Extrapolation database. The Panel appreciated the effort of these EWGs and acknowledged the improvements in the EPPO Resistance Database and the release of the EPPO Database on PPP Extrapolation planned in June 2024.
The Panel on General Standards on Efficacy Evaluation will next meet in Paris at the EPPO headquarters on 2025-02-26/28.