87th Meeting of the Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs
Utrecht (NL), 2024-04-24/26
The April 2023 meeting of the EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs was organized in Utrecht (NL) on 2024-04-24/26. The meeting focussed on the review of the draft Standards, which will be discussed by the members of the IPPC Standards Committee (SC). The Panel studied the drafts to provide inputs from the EPPO region to European SC members. The following drafts were discussed, these draft Standards may be shared by the IPPC Secretariat for country consultation in July 2024:
- Revision of ISPM 26 Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)
- Annex on field inspection to ISPM 23 Guidelines for inspection
- Annex International movement of mango fruit to ISPM 46 Commodity- specific standards for phytosanitary measures
- Annex Use of systems approaches in managing the pest risks associated with the movement of wood to ISPM 39 International movement of wood
Mangoes - Courtesy: Dr Noris Ledesma
Ceratitis capitata – Courtesy: Denis Kasatkin
Wood – Courtesy: Anne-Sophie Roy
The Panel also discussed the European position on how to move forward for:
- the draft Annex Design and use of systems approaches for phytosanitary certification of seeds to ISPM 38 International movement of seeds.
- the revision of the draft reorganized pest risk analysis Standard.
The Panel members were updated on recent IPPC discussions, including those of the CPM Bureau, the Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) and the Technical Consultation (TC) among RPPOs. The Panel also evaluated the 18th session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-18 ) that was organized in Rome on 2024-04-15/19. The Panel appreciated its outcomes and highlighted the important issues for the EPPO region which need to be followed.
The Panel discussed the progress of a number of strategic issues, including ePhyto and One Health. The Panel also considered the outcomes of the ongoing discussions of the CPM Focus Groups for the ‘Sustainable funding for the IPPC ePhyto Solution’ and ‘Safe Provision of Food and Other Humanitarian Aid’ and discussed how to get ready for the expected new CPM Focus Groups on ‘Global Phytosanitary Research Coordination’ and ‘Diagnostic Laboratory Network’.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs is planned to take place on 2024-09-05/06 in conjunction with the IPPC/FAO Regional Workshop for Europe and Central Asia to be held in Yerevan on 2024-09-02/04.