24th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides
and Plant Growth Regulators
Paris, 2024-02-21
The 24th Meeting of the Panel on Efficacy Evaluation of Herbicides and Plant Growth Regulators took place at the EPPO headquarters on 2024-02-21. The Panel discussed Standards for conducting field trials to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides and plant growth regulators.
The Panel worked on the development of three new Standards:
- PP 1 (NEW) Efficacy assessment of herbicides if long-term control of perennial weeds is claimed. This Standard focuses on assessments carried out during the second lifecycle of the weed after application.
- PP 1 (NEW) Efficacy evaluation of herbicides used with mechanical weeders. This Standard will cover the principles of efficacy testing of integrated approaches to weed control and will apply across all crops.
- PP 1 (NEW) Assessment in the case of herbicide split applications. This Standard will describe the principles to be followed when evaluating efficacy of herbicides when used in split applications.
This work will continue as further improvement of the drafts is needed.
The Panel was updated regarding the progress made on the EPPO Resistance Cases Database over the past year and the status of the EPPO Database for extrapolation possibilities for minor uses. The activities of the European Minor Uses Coordination Facility were presented to the Panel.
The next meeting of the Panel is tentatively scheduled to take place on 2025-02-19/20. It will be held in Ås (Norway) at the kind invitation of NIBIO (the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research).