16th Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Nematology
Paris, 2024-06-04/05
The meeting of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Nematology was held at the EPPO headquarters.
Revised EPPO Diagnostic Protocols (Standards) reviewed during the meeting
The Panel reviewed 3 revised Diagnostic Protocols:
PM 7/041 Meloidogyne chitwoodi & M. fallax
Suggestions for the complete revision of the diagnostic protocol were made, in particular for the molecular tests to be included in the protocol. In addition, a presentation was made on the development and validation of a new real-time PCR test. The Panel reviewed and discussed Appendix 1 on Isozyme electrophoresis. A new version of the diagnostic protocol will be prepared and an online meeting of the Panel will be organized in January 2025.
PM 7/087 Ditylenchus destructor & D. dipsaci
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. The main points of discussion were on the flow diagram and on the molecular tests to be used for detection/identification of the pest. A new version of the diagnostic protocol that takes into account the discussion of the Panel will be prepared and sent for country consultation by September 2024.
PM 7/103 Meloidogyne enterolobii
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. New validation data were presented for the Kiewnick et al., 2015 real-time PCR test. Further work is needed on molecular identification of the pest. A new version of the diagnostic protocol that takes into account the discussion of the Panel will be prepared by September 2024 and sent for country consultation by the end of 2024.
New EPPO Diagnostic Protocols (Standards) reviewed during the meeting
The Panel reviewed 1 new Diagnostic Protocol.
PM 7/NEW Meloidogyne graminicola
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft Diagnostic Protocol. Comments received during country consultation were resolved and new validation data produced by the EURL as well as a new real-time PCR test were added in the protocol. A final version of the diagnostic protocol that take into account the discussion of the Panel will be prepared and sent for the final approval stage of country consultation by the end of June 2024.
Plans for future revision and development of new diagnostic protocols
Proposals were made to revise the following 2 Diagnostic Protocols:
- PM 7/005 Nacobbus aberrans to consider a new taxonomic update and include a new real-time PCR test and extraction method.
- PM 7/039 Aphelenchoides besseyi to consider a new taxonomic update and include a new test for rice seeds.
Proposals were made to develop the following 2 new Diagnostic Protocols:
- PM 7/NEW Meloidogyne ethiopica and M. luci
- PM 7/NEW Litylenchus crenatae provided that the pest is proposed for regulation based on a PRA.
Drafting teams were established for all the diagnostic protocols. In addition, it was suggested to prepare a new addendum on PM 7/095 Xiphinema americanum sensu lato to include recently described Xiphinema species.
Other topics
Quality Assurance issues
An online meeting between the EPPO Secretariat and the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) was organized at the beginning of December 2023. An EPPO guidance document on flexible scope with examples of flexible scopes and their limitations and on how laboratories and accreditation bodies could approach the flexible scope will be developed in 2024. The Panel carried out a brainstorming on the terms ‘detection’ and ‘identification’ and on how they should be used in flow diagrams.
EPPO Databases on diagnostics
The Panel received an overview of the EPPO Database on Diagnostic Expertise and an update on EPPO-Q-bank.
Research and cooperation
The Panel was informed about the EU funding that Euphresco received to develop into a global network (EUPHRESCO III project). The most recent Euphresco research projects on nematology were listed.
Term of Reference of the Panel
The Panel revised the Term of Reference of the Panel which will be presented to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations in 2025.
Next Panel meeting
The next meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Nematology will be held in January 2026.
The composition of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Nematology can be found on the EPPO website.