Workshop on the future work of EPPO
Paris, 2024-11-12/13
A Workshop on the future work of EPPO was held on 2024-11-12/13 in Paris. The Workshop was addressed to representatives of National Plant Protection Organizations and Authorities responsible for the registration of plant protection products in the EPPO region, as well as to the Permanent Observers. 28 participants from 18 member countries, the European Commission, and staff members of the EPPO Secretariat participated in this Workshop. The aim of the Workshop was to provide ideas and direction for the development of the EPPO Strategic Plan 2026 – 2030 both in the area of Phytosanitary Regulations and Plant Protection Products.
Workshop participants
At the start of the Workshop, the results of a questionnaire sent to all NPPOs and relevant stakeholders were presented by Mr Nico Horn (Director-General) and served as a starting point for discussions. The Workshop facilitated by a moderator, featured a combination of interactive small-group activities and plenary sessions with live polls and discussions. Participants explored a wide range of questions, including:
- Are all strategic objectives of the current Strategic Plan of EPPO still relevant and important?
- What is the current image of EPPO?
- Which topics should EPPO focus on?
- How should meetings be organized (face-to-face or online)?
- Can certain issues be addressed more effectively at a sub-regional level?
- Should EPPO organize more workshops and webinars on specific topics?
- How can EPPO better promote its work and measure its impact?
- What strategies could enhance EPPO’s contributions at the global level?
This interactive approach encouraged active participation and provided valuable insights for shaping EPPO’s future initiatives.
Some preliminary conclusions highlighted that the current strategic framework provides an excellent basis for future discussions. However, further efforts are needed to better distinguish between objectives (purpose) and implementation processes. In addition, several recurring themes were identified as priorities for further attention:
- Using new technologies effectively.
- Contributing to capacity building.
- Enhancing engagement with all member countries in EPPO’s work.
In his conclusion, Mr Nico Horn explained that the results of this workshop are building blocks for further discussions which will take place in various EPPO bodies under the directorship of Ms Olga Lavrentjeva. The final goal is to present the new Strategic Plan for approval to the EPPO Council in September 2025.
Warm thanks are due to all participants for their active and constructive contributions.
Background documents
Strategic plan and Work plan for 2021 – 2025 (as adopted by Council in September 2020)