Expert Working Group for Pest Risk Analysis on Potexvirus citriflavivenae (citrus yellow vein clearing virus, CYVCV)

Paris, 2025-03-10/12


In 2024, the Working Party on Phytosanitary Measures recommended that an Expert Working Group (EWG) is organised to develop a Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) for Potexvirus citriflavivenae (citrus yellow vein clearing virus, CYVCV, EPPO Alert List).

An Expert Working Group (EWG) was held at the EPPO headquarters in March 2025 to perform this pest risk analysis on P. citriflavivenae for the EPPO region. P. citriflavivenae is a virus that can affect most citrus species, cause damage to its host and reduce yield and quality of fruit in symptomatic plants. It was first found in 1988 infecting citrus in Pakistan and later in India, China, Iran and the United States of America. In the EPPO region, P. citriflavivenae has been reported from Türkiye (where it has been eradicated) and recently from Italy where it was detected on C. x aurantium var. sinensis and C. x limon in a private garden. It is not known how it entered the EPPO region.

Seven experts attended the meeting from six countries (China, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Türkiye, USA). This included experts from the citrus industry, virologists, experts from EPPO member governments, and experts on P. citriflavivenae from China and the USA, where P. citriflavivenae has established and evidence of harm has been reported.

The EWG conducted a pathway analysis for entry into the EPPO region with the main pathway citrus plants for planting. The EWG discussed the potential establishment and spread within the EPPO region and the impact of P. citriflavivenae in China and the USA and how this impact may translate into the EPPO region, discussing the difference in risk for key symptomatic citrus species compared with all citrus species.

To conclude the meeting, the EWG recommended measures to be taken against citrus plants for planting, including inspection, testing and pest free production measures to reduce the phytosanitary risk of the pest.

The outcome of the EWG is a PRA that outlines the phytosanitary risk (and its associated uncertainty) that P. citriflavivenae poses to the EPPO region. The PRA will be reviewed by the EPPO Core Members for PRA, the EPPO Panel on Phytosanitary Measures and the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations.





Composition of the EWG


BENAMMAR OUECHTATI Sameh (Ms) Ministry of Agriculture Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia
BLOMQUIST Cheryl (Ms) California Department of Food and Agriculture, United States
DJELOUAH Khaled (Mr) Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Italy
OLMOS Antonio (Mr) Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), Spain
YURTMEN Melike (Ms)

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Adana Biological Control Research Station, Turkey

ZHOU Changyong (Mr)

Southwest University, China

TANNER Rob (Mr) EPPO Scientific Officer
MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ Javier (Mr) EPPO Scientific Officer
WARNER Samuel (Mr) EPPO Scientific Officer