15th meeting of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance

Saku (EE), 2025-03-03/05



The EPPO Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance convened in Saku, Estonia, at the kind invitation of the Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK). The meeting was attended by 20 Panel members and two observers and was chaired by Ms Tikka (EPPO Director-General), with the support of two EPPO Scientific Officers, Ms Trontin and Mr Aoutil. This Panel considers all horizontal aspects of diagnostics (e.g. development of horizontal Standards on diagnostics, revision of the instructions for authors of Diagnostic Standards) and oversees the work of the 5 specialized Panels on Diagnostics.




EPPO Diagnostic Standards reviewed during the meeting

PM 7/98 Specific requirements for laboratories preparing accreditation for a plant pest diagnostic activity

The Panel reviewed this Standard focusing on the section on the validation of test results, on the inclusion of elements for validation of High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) tests, and on the inclusion of examples of validation/verification to be performed when modifying a validated test or when adding a new test to the list of tests included in a flexible scope. The list of examples of flexible scopes and their boundaries was also revised. The Panel discussed the need to trace, check and update if appropriate the versions of the documents cited in diagnostic Standards. The Panel agreed that the revised Standard can be sent for country consultation with the objective of presenting it to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations in 2025. It was noted that PM 7/84 will have to be revised along with PM 7/98. The Panel also agreed to review the supporting materials for PM 7/98 for the next Panel meeting.


PM 7/122 Guidelines for the organization of interlaboratory comparisons by plant pest diagnostic laboratories

The Panel reviewed the comments received during the first stage of country consultation and emphasized the need to verify and update the references cited within the Standard as necessary. The Standard will be presented for approval to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations in 2025.


PM 7/129 DNA barcoding as an identification tool for a number of regulated pests

A drafting team composed of experts from CH, DE, GB, NL and PT prepared the division of Standard PM 7/129 into one horizontal Standard on barcoding and 6 group-specific Standards (on arthropods, bacteria, fungi and oomycetes, nematodes, phytoplasma, plants). The Panel reviewed the horizontal Standard and the group specific Standard for bacteria. The Panel agreed to prepare the other group specific Standard using a similar format. It was decided to consult all specific Panels on diagnostics for their feedback on the relevant group specific Standards.


Other topics

Discussion on the need for revision of horizontal Standards

The results of the surveys on the use of the Standards PM 7/147 (1) Guidelines for the Production of Biological Reference Material and PM 7/151 (1) Considerations for the Use of High Throughput Sequencing in Plant Health were presented to the Panel. Based on these surveys, the Panel agreed that there is no need to revise PM 7/151 for the moment, but it was agreed that a new example of HTS tests for the identification of arthropods would be added as a supporting material for this Standard. The Panel agreed that a small group of experts will further explore the suggestions for revision and simplification of PM 7/147 gathered from the survey.


Discussion on the need for new horizontal Standards

The Panel discussed the possibility of developing a Standard on DNA extraction as suggested by the Panel on Diagnostics in Virology. The Panel agreed that the Panel on Diagnostics in Virology could prepare a list of nucleic acid extraction procedures that are recommended in EPPO Diagnostic Standards for virology and explore how these could be combined into a Standard.


Revision of the EPPO Instructions for authors of Diagnostic Standards

The Panel agreed that Diagnostic Standards will only list recommended tests. It was also suggested to include the new binomial names of viruses alongside the common name in the title of the Diagnostic Standards for viruses to facilitate the change of nomenclature as done for other pest-specific Standards. Additionally, the Panel addressed the comments and suggestions received from the Panel on Diagnostics in Virology on the template. The Panel discussed the proposal to have a specific Appendix on the controls to be used for molecular tests. A drafting team was established to explore how general guidance on controls could be added to PM 7/76 or PM 7/98.


Discussion on detection and identification

An overview of the brainstorming sessions on detection and identification that took place with specific Panels on Diagnostics, was presented. A proposal for definitions for detection and identification will be prepared and circulated to pest-specific Panels.


EPPO databases on diagnostics

The EPPO Secretariat provided an overview of the EPPO Database on diagnostic expertise and presented the new automated process for validating expertise. The Secretariat also presented the work carried out on the EPPO-Q-bank database in 2024, along with the results of the survey on the use of the database.


Communication and events

The Panel was updated concerning the organization of the EPPO Conference on Diagnostics, scheduled to be held in 2026, as well as the organization of training sessions on HTS.



The Panel was informed by Ms Zorilla (project officer for EUPHRESCO III) about the upcoming Euphresco projects on diagnostics, field detection and/or surveillance that will start in spring 2025 as well as the ones proposed for 2026.


Terms of Reference of the Panel

The Panel reviewed the Terms of Reference of the Panel and agreed that they are presented for approval to the EPPO Executive Committee.


Technical visit

The participants of the Panel were given a tour of the plant health laboratories of METK.


Next Panel meeting

The next meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance is expected to be held in the first third of 2026, with the location to be confirmed later.



The composition of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics and Quality Assurance can be found on the EPPO website.