89th Meeting of the Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs
Paris, 2025-01-28/30
The EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs provides a forum for the EPPO Member Countries and their NPPOs to exchange information and develop harmonised views and positions on matters related to the International Plant Protection Convention. It also facilitates the preparation of the member governments for the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures. The list of the Panel Members and their terms of Reference is accessible on the EPPO website.
The EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs met in Paris on 2025-01-28/30 and it was chaired by Ms Olga Lavrentjeva, the Director-General of EPPO. The meeting was attended by the Panel members appointed by EPPO Member Countries and by Observers.
During the meeting, Panel members who are representatives of the Europe region in IPPC Subsidiary Bodies and Expert Working Groups (EWGs) reported the key outcomes of recent IPPC meetings. The Panel discussed the progress and challenges for the following IPPC strategic topics:
- Climate change,
- Humanitarian Aid,
- Commodity Standards,
- Research coordination,
- Sea containers,
- Systems approaches, and
- Pest Outbreak Alert and Response System (POARS)
Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates (ePhyto) was also discussed. The EPPO representative in the IPPC Steering group on this topic joined the meeting remotely to update the Panel on recent discussions and plans to be considered in the future.
The updated IPPC list of topics for IPPC Standards and the relevant EPPO stewards were considered. The EPPO representation in and nominations for the CPM bodies were discussed and agreed.
In addition, the Panel discussed the arrangements for an EPPO coordination meeting for EPPO Member Countries that will be organized on 2025-03-16, the day before the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-19) taking place in the FAO Headquarters on 2025-03-17/21. The aim of this coordination meeting will be to exchange views and information among EPPO countries, about topics related to the CPM.
During the Panel meeting, a teleconference with the North American Plant Protection Organisation (NAPPO) was held with the aim of exchanging views on IPPC strategic topics and preparing for the next session of CPM.
The next meeting of the EPPO Panel on Global Phytosanitary Affairs is scheduled for 2025-04-15/17 in Paris.