EPPO Recommendations on necessary actions for minor uses
(endorsed by EPPO Council in September 2010)
The 40th Working Party (Flakkebjerg (Slagels), DK, 2010-05-18/20) reviewed the prospects for pest control for minor uses. Two EPPO workshops had addressed minor uses concerns (Berlin-2006; Brussels-2009) and the Working Party assessed the progress made with regard to the implementation of recommendations agreed at these workshops. The Working Party concluded that, although progress has been made, serious concerns remain as to whether in the longer term, pest control in some minor crops will be possible. The Working Party recommends the following actions which were endorsed by the Council (Paris, 2010-09-21).
Recommended actions
EPPO urges the establishment of a coordination platform in Europe before the end of 2010 in which national authorities, industry and growers’ associations work together. In the first instance this may be best achieved by reconvening the EU Technical Group for Minor Uses. This platform should:
- advise on strategies and actions to secure pest control for minor uses;
- facilitate information sharing regarding minor uses trials, available data and off-label registrations in order to avoid work duplication;
- identify specific minor use problems and propose solutions;
- highlight minor use issues in relevant organizations in Europe and beyond.
EPPO calls on the EU Commission to establish a minor use fund in accordance with the provision of Regulation 1107/2009, and that such a fund should be recommended within two years after this Regulation enters into force. EPPO stressed that this fund should not replace national or regional initiatives, but facilitate additional necessary actions on a European level.
EPPO considers the establishment of this fund essential in order:
- to strengthen the European coordination based on an established European coordination platform for minor uses;
- to appoint a minor uses expert on a European level, who is well acquainted with minor uses issues and will fulfill a pivotal role in the minor uses coordination platform;
- to finance specific minor use studies, advised by the European coordination platform for minor uses, e.g. regarding specific extrapolations and identifying solutions (including chemical and non-chemical alternatives) for particular pest control problems in minor uses;
- to develop, keep up to date, and provide access to a database for minor uses;
- to establish links to minor use data in other EPPO countries and beyond the EPPO region.