9th Meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Entomology
Paris, 2024-03-12/14
The meeting of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Entomology was held at the EPPO headquarters.
Revised EPPO Diagnostic Protocols (Standards) reviewed during the meeting
The Panel reviewed 4 revised Diagnostic Protocols:
PM 7/011 Frankliniella occidentalis
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. The Diagnostic Protocol now includes larval identification. The main points of discussion were the use of specimens from sticky traps for morphological identification and improvements to the description of the characters for morphological identification.
PM 7/038 Unaspis citri
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. The Panel suggested improvements to the section on morphological identification to take into account new keys and references.
PM 7/052 Diaphorina citri
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. The main points of discussion were on the morphological identification section.
PM 7/068 Eotetranychus lewisi
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft revision. The Panel agreed that a key to discriminate subfamilies and genera will be added, as well as validation data for barcoding.
New versions of the diagnostic protocols that take into account the discussion of the Panel will be prepared and sent for country consultation.
New EPPO Diagnostic Protocols (Standards) reviewed during the meeting
The Panel reviewed 3 new Diagnostic Protocols:
PM 7/NEW Euwallacea fornicatus
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft Diagnostic Protocol. In particular, the Panel discussed the reliability of morphological identification and the need of molecular sequencing tests to identify the species within the Euwallacea fornicatus species complex.
PM 7/NEW Rhagoletis pomonella
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft Diagnostic Protocol. In particular, the Panel suggested some improvements to the flow diagram and the section on morphological identification.
PM 7/NEW Anthonomus eugenii
The Panel reviewed and discussed the draft Diagnostic Protocol.
New versions of the diagnostic protocols that take into account the discussion of the Panel will be prepared and sent for country consultation.
Plans for future revision and development of new diagnostic protocols
Proposals were made to revise the following 10 Diagnostic Protocols:
- PM 7/019 Helicoverpa armigera: expertise in the region was identified and an expert from USA will also be contacted to join the drafting team.
- PM 7/124 Spodoptera littoralis, Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera frugiperda, Spodoptera eridania: needs for revision were presented during the Panel meeting and include the addition of Spodoptera ornithogali, the addition of a late-stage larval key, the addition of new images and the addition of a new molecular test for the distinction of S. ornithogalli and S. frugiperda.
- PM 7/003(3) Thrips palmi: needs for revision following the proficiency test organised by the EURL on insects and mites were presented during the Panel meeting.
- PM7/056(1) Scirtothrips aurantii, Scirtothrips citri, Scirtothrips dorsalis: needs for revision were identified and presented during the Panel meeting.
- PM 7/057(1) Trioza erytreae: it was noted that the pest is present in the region and that the diagnostic protocol should be updated.
- Following the work on the harmonization of the fruit flies diagnostic protocols, the preparation of a revision of the following diagnostic protocols was agreed : PM 7/104(1) Ceratitis capitata, PM 7/105(1) Ceratitis cosyra, PM 7/134(1) Dacus ciliatus.
- PM 7/ 137(1) Thaumatotibia leucotreta: needs for revision were identified and presented during the Panel meeting.
- PM7/154(1) Agrilus planipennis: needs for revision that were identified following a validation study performed by the EURL were presented and discussed during the Panel meeting.
Proposals were made to develop the following 5 new Diagnostic Protocols:
- PM 7/NEW Oligonychus perditus: a new lead author was identified for the preparation of this diagnostic protocol that has been on the work programme for several years.
- PM 7/NEW Agrilus anxius: it is one of the last EU priority pests for which no EPPO diagnostic protocol is available.
- PM 7/NEW Non-European Monochamus: the identification of non-European Monochamus species is possible by exclusion of the European species.
- PM 7/NEW Pityophthorus juglandis: this pest is the vector of Geosmithia morbida and is now present in several countries around the Alps. Several tools and resources are available to develop a reliable key for morphological identification.
- PM 7/NEW Horizontal key for fruit flies: the Panel agreed with the development of a horizontal key using a guide already available at Fera, GB and covering the most commonly intercepted species. A letter will be sent to non-EU countries to gather information on interceptions in non-EU EPPO countries.
Drafting teams were established for all the diagnostic protocols. In addition, it was suggested to remove from the work programme the development of a diagnostic protocol on the preservation of specimens in entomology and on Strauzia longipennis. It was also suggested to withdraw 2 outdated diagnostic protocols on pests that are widespread and no longer recommended for regulation (PM 7/009(1) Cacoecimorpha pronubana and PM 7/010(1) Cacyreus marshalli). The preparation of some corrigenda/addenda was also discussed.
Other topics
Quality Assurance issues
An online meeting between the EPPO Secretariat and the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) was organized at the beginning of December 2023. An EPPO guidance document on the flexible scope with examples of flexible scopes and their boundaries and on how laboratories and accreditation bodies could approach the flexible scope will be developed in 2024. The Panel carried out a brainstorming on the terms ‘detection’ and ‘identification’ and on how they should be used in flow diagrams.
EPPO Databases on diagnostics
The Panel received an overview of the EPPO Database on Diagnostic Expertise and an update on EPPO-Q-bank.
Research and cooperation
The most recent Euphresco research projects on entomology were presented. The Panel was also informed about the EU funding that Euphresco received to develop into a global network (EUPHRESCO III project). In addition, the results of different research projects were presented (TEPHRIFADE, ARTHCOLLECT, FF∙IPM) and presentations were made on the EPPO network of experts working on surveillance, monitoring, and control of Agrilus planipennis, on Pseudips mexicanus and on Trichopoda pennipes.
Term of Reference of the Panel
The Panel revised the Term of Reference of the Panel which will be presented to the Working Party on Phytosanitary Regulations in 2025.
Next Panel meeting
The next meeting of the Panel on Diagnostics in Entomology will be held in the third quarter of 2025.
The composition of the EPPO Panel on Diagnostics in Entomology can be found on the EPPO website.