EPPO Webinar on Communication 2025

Plant Health in Focus: raising awareness of regulated and emerging pests for professionals and the public

4th April 2025 10:00 – 12:00 Central European Time


Engaging professionals and the public is key in ensuring early detection of pests and effective enforcement of phytosanitary measures. To address this issue, the EPPO Secretariat is organising a webinar with the EPPO Panel on Plant Protection Information for 4th April 2025 via Teleconference. 


The Webinar will highlight successful examples of Plant Health communication for professionals and the public. Six speakers from the Panel on Plant Protection Information will present on a range of topics including examples of creative plant health communication activities, the EPPO standards on communication and their implementation, a reporting platform about Popillia japonica and the corresponding social media campaign, and two training sessions for professionals undertaken by NPPOs. The EPPO Platform on Communication material (https://media.eppo.int/) will also be presented.


The Webinar is open to all and there is no restriction on the number of attendees. However, to adequately plan for the webinar we invite people to register using this link: http://meeting.eppo.int/index.php/K8752




Camille Génévriez, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, France 

Miriam Widmer, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland

Christina Topitschnig, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety – Plant Protection Service 

Mariangela Ciampitti, Servizio Fitosanitario DG Agricoltura, Italy

Hans Meerman, Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority

Lucy Carson-Taylor and Paul Beales,Animal and Plant Health Agency, United Kingdom

Samuel Warner and Muriel Suffert, EPPO Secretariat




Below you can see examples of communication materials from NPPOs on the EPPO Platform on Communication (https://media.eppo.int/).